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  • Writer's pictureAndrea Fris

Why happy students learn more?

Updated: Jan 3, 2019

You know the feeling- when sitting in class, not moving, just listening to a teacher, having some boring lesson about boring grammar- that frustration and boredom, anxiety and fear if somebody asks you something.

That's one of the reasons why I do not agree with typical school systems. I have nothing against teachers, people working there. I have spoken with many English learners of different nationalities and age. All of them agreed one thing- English can be hard and discouraging. Not because of grammar or letters, but because of pressure-how you sound when you speak, are you using right words...

Researchers believe that negative emotions act as a filter-reducing how much you learn and speak. When you are enjoying what you are doing, you can get much better results.

When learners are doing tasks because they have fun, they will continue doing it even if they don't get rewarded.

"Positive emotions flood our brain with dopamine and serotonin-chemicals that not only make us feel good. They also improve our memory and ability to learn."

As you can see, Emotions have an impact on learning and remembering process. Just think how you feel about learning English?

Is it a positive or negative feeling?

Are you scared?bored?nervous?

These emotions hurt your effort to achieve English fluency. there are ways how to shift it. How to become motivated and interested in learning.

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